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Church of the Small Things book review

When I first saw the application for this launch team, I was unsure if I should apply. Although I’ve read two of Melanie Shankle’s previously books Sparkly Green Earrings and The Antelope in the Living Room and enjoyed them, I wanted to be sure that I was applying to be on a book launch for a book that I could recommend to others. Melanie is a Christian, but her theology is a little more liberal than mine.* After reading the book, and enjoying it, I will tell you what the book is and is not.

First of all, I thoroughly enjoyed the introduction and the story that she used from the Bible. I too had considered this story and the characters in much the same way that she did. This book is about the small things that we do every day that receive no fanfare, no praise, no earthly recognition, but are what doing God’s will is all about. As a stay-at-home mom who has struggled with the feelings of “not doing enough”, I could completely relate to what she was saying. I can appreciate that we need to be seeing the small moments of everyday life as really the most important and memorable moments and that it is in these moments that God teaches us about what really matters.

This book is not an evangelical, sharing-the-Gospel type of book that the title of the book might suggest. This book reads like her other books and many of the posts on her blog. This book is a collection of stories about her life, the people in her life, and the moments that have shaped who she is today. Melanie writes as if she is sitting in the same room, talking to you. Her writing is lively, and I took turns laughing out loud and crying as I read it. I started reading this book when I was on vacation, and it was a perfect vacation read. Although she does make some deeper points, most of her stories and reflections are very light-hearted. This book came at a great time in my own life when I needed to hear someone share honestly about how life hasn’t always turned out like she thought it would. As a woman close to the same age as Melanie, I could relate to MANY of the stories and experiences she shared in regards to the people, places, songs, brands, and hairdos of the 90s, especially being from a small town in Texas myself. This book gave me warm feelings of nostalgia, allowed me to cry tears of honest regret, and reminded me that I have been left a legacy and will leave a legacy of my own. In her very candid way, she shares these stories that highlight her family, her friends, her mistakes, her hurt, and her regrets, but also the joy she has found in both the expected and unexpected places.

I most enjoyed the last two chapters of the book but wish that she had placed those chapters at the beginning. Those were the chapters that most spoke of God and how He was challenging her and changing her. I do wish that she would share the Gospel more openly in the book since she’s writing to a big audience and has such an influence.

Overall, I will say that I enjoyed this book and was sad when it was over because when I was reading it, I felt like I was interacting with an old friend. Cherish the moments and the people around you, share your stories with your children, love people and show them that you love them, and remember that you are where you are because God has placed you there.

Check out to learn more about the pre-order bonuses. This book will be released on October 3, 2017.

*It bothers me when Christian authors use curse words in their writing and also reference alcohol use. The language is mild, but she does make several references to drinking wine and other alcoholic beverages.

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