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Becoming a Christian...

Where we live, there are churches on nearly every street and prayers are still said at sporting events.  Almost everyone I know is familiar with church.  It is why I was surprised recently to learn that there are a lot of people in my own community who do not know about God's love for us as expressed in John 3:16.  John 3:16, a "flagship" verse that we teach our children in early childhood and share with those we are wanting to lead to Jesus, is a verse that states clearly, concisely, and comprehensively what God has planned for the salvation of sinners.  This is not about church or religion.  This verse is about love.  We write this post to whomever may be reading this today and has not heard or understood the Gospel Truth.


To begin, we have to acknowledge that there is a God.  And then, we have to realize that God loves us.  We are His created people; He formed and fashioned us.  The Bible says that we are made in His image and that He knows us and still loves us.  In fact, He so loved the world that He gave His only Son Jesus to be a sinless sacrifice, a substitute for us, the real sinners.  Sin is any violation of God's law.  Romans 3:23 says that all people have sinned and have come short of God's glory.  Psalm 51:5 says that we are all sinful from the time we were in our mother's womb.  Since God is a holy God, He cannot tolerate sin and, though He loves us, He must judge us based on our rebelliousness toward Him.  Romans 6:23 says that the wages of our sin is death.  Because of our sinfulness, we deserve eternal separation from God.  But, because Jesus came to earth, fully as a human and fully as God, and led a life of sinlessness, He could serve as a substitutionary sacrifice to satisfy the payment required by God.  Since Jesus died on the cross in our place, He satisfied the requirement of a sacrifice by God for sin.  But, Jesus did not stay dead.  He rose again after three days.  He defeated death and now reigns in heaven at the right hand of God.  We who believe in Jesus and what He did will not be required to die for our sins when we place our faith and trust in Jesus' sacrifice on our behalf.  More than just believing in Jesus, we must acknowledge that we are sinful and cannot fulfill the requirement of sinlessness that is demanded by a righteous God.  We must ask for His forgiveness and turn from our sins.  The Bible says that there are two types of people that will stand before God...those who trust in Jesus as their Savior and those who have not.  Believers, called Christians, have asked forgiveness for their sin and have placed their faith and hope in the promise that He gives us for eternal life with Him.


Although we must all die here on earth, those who believe in Jesus and accept His sacrifice will not live eternally separated from God in a place called hell.  Instead, we will have eternal life with God in heaven.   This is God's plan for our salvation.  Our salvation is based on His love for us.


You can pray to God to ask for forgiveness.  Praying is like having a conversation with God.  Be honest with Him, talk to Him, confess that you are a sinner, and ask Him to cleanse your heart.  If you truly believe and pray a sincere prayer, Jesus will become your Savior.


This is only the beginning.


When you become a Christian, there are certain things that you need to do to start learning how to walk as a Christian.  The first step of obedience is to make a public profession of faith and be baptized.  Baptism does not save you but follows the example Christ set for us in showing the world that you are now following Him.  Reading your Bible is an important part of your daily walk with God.  Make a special time to read your Bible, and it will become part of your daily routine.  Each day, when you are reading your Bible, you are putting on the armor of God.  Talking to God through prayer is also a vital part of your relationship.  If you ever feel like you do not know how to pray, use this an outline example:


1.  Praise God for something He does or has done

2.  Give thanks for your blessings

3.  Confess your sins

4.  Pray for others

5.  Pray for yourself


Another way to grow as a Christian is to memorize Scripture.  You do not want to cram it into your head but hide it in your heart.  You are memorizing God's Words, not man's.  A helpful way to memorize verses is to write them down on index cards or make small notes and place them where you will see them often.


Although reading the Bible and praying are vitally important in your new Christian life, you also want to surround yourself with others who are following Jesus.  Being in fellowship with other believers in a Bible-teaching church will help you grow.  Jesus called 12 men to be special followers of Him while He was on earth.  They were called His disciples.  We are to be disciples as well, seeking Him, learning about Him, and following His example.  One example that He set for us was serving others.  While Jesus was on earth, He showed love and compassion to others and served them.  Serving others in love is part of being a Christian. 


Hopefully, you have had the chance to read the tesimonies that Grace and I previously posted on our blog.  You will find that no two people have the same experiences and testimony, but that God has a plan for each of our lives.  His Word says that He is working in believers' lives for our good.  Jesus is the only way to God.  When you have a personal relationship with Him, your life takes on a fullness that you cannot experience without Him.  You will have trials but you will also have His peace and joy throughout.  He will be with you no matter where you are: physically, emotionally, mentally, even financially.  The Bible tells us that nothing in the universe can separate us from His love. 


If you are reading this today, know that you have been prayed for.

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