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The Gifts List

As we look back over the year and consider all of our blessings, we know that the things we have to be thankful for are truly gifts from God Himself. We are most thankful for the gracious gift that He gave by sending His Son Jesus to us. Jesus, loving and compassionate teacher, sinless, offering His own self as a substitutionary sacrifice for our sins as He died upon the cross. And, the glorious miracle of His resurrection, again demonstrating that He is the Son of God, and allowing that one day we have the privilege to live with Him forever in heaven. There are no adequate words...

"Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!"

We are also immeasurably thankful for the gift of our family. Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for this gift, more than I ever could have imagined, this love that we share that grows bigger every day. My heart is overflowing.

We thank God for our parents, our in-laws, brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, and our extended families.

Besides these blessings, our family has complied our own "Gifts List" this year... the things that we are thankful for. From random thoughts to happy memories from throughout the year, we hope that as you read our list you reflect on the gifts that God has given you too.

The Gifts List

Childhood memories

Ocean waves

Colorful flowers

Swimming pools

Listening to Grace on the piano and Clark on the drums

Family vacations

Eggs and bacon for breakfast

Dr. Pepper

The way the sun sparkles on the water

A cool breeze on a sunny day

Fall leaves

Softly falling snow

Crackling fires in the fireplace

Our jobs

Spending time with each other

Looking back through old photos


Our marriage

Our church

Family group hugs

Doing something that really matters

Being embraced

Sleeping in

Starting over, again



Belly laughing with the kids

Visiting with good friends

Knowing that it's all in His hands


Good health

Rocking chairs on the front porch

Fuzzy socks

Stuffed animals

Trying something new

Playing games together

Making presents for other people

Knowing when you've made the right decision

Clouds reflecting on the water

Dreaming of the future

Reminiscing about the past

Watching movies together in bed

Trying something different

Hot showers

God answering prayers

Feelings of accomplishment

Having goals to work toward

Watching our children sleep

Fields of sunflowers

Watching a full moon rising

Picking peaches straight off the tree to eat

Enjoying one-on-one time with each member of our family

Late night desserts


Warmth of electric blankets

Learning something new

Things that are "black and white"

That 1+1=2 and that the sun always rises

Letters in the mail

The creativity of our children

Sweet aromas in the kitchen



Getting braces off

Scottish Rite Hospital

Blanket tents in the living room

Holding hands

Strawberry jam on homemade bread

Back scratches

Date nights

Favorite books

Colored pens and pencils

Helping people

Our Compassion kids

I Love Lucy reruns



Sweet tea


Flippin 4 This

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