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If You Can Keep It...My Book Review

From the very beginning, Eric Metaxas, writing from a Christian worldview, engages the reader with reminiscent historical accounts and thoughts of patriotism. He skillfully brings you along on his own eye-opening journey of discovery of his deep and reverential awe for America. He begins with both a charge to educate and also to be an active participant in the keeping of the trust that has been given us through the founding of the United States of America. He reminds us of what it means to love our country and what it means to be an American.

Fascinating and detailed biographical sketches and quotations from America’s founding fathers and from other significant leaders of our country are woven throughout in Metaxas-style masterful storytelling with skillful command of language and vocabulary, along with colorful and vivid descriptions. He delivers impassioned pleas to recover the spirit of patriotism, to recall biblical virtues, remember our responsibilities, recall both the good and bad of our past, and most importantly, to take action in doing our part to preserve America for ourselves, our future, and the world.

Eric Metaxas builds a strong argument for the multi-dimensional components of the “how and why” our country, Constitution, and government was established, and then he dissects the fundamental aspects of virtue and leadership that contributed to its founding. Heroes are extolled and remembered for their lack of selfishness and pride and for their desire only for the good of our country.

This book is an enjoyable and moving read, written intellectually but on a level that it easily comprehendible. Metaxas builds a strong case for the charge of keeping and defending America, and I made copious notes of his quote-worthy statements. Many of the biographical sketches will be familiar if you have read his books Amazing Grace and Seven Men and the Secret of Their Greatness, but they are, nonetheless, crucial to the complete understanding of the concepts he puts forth in this book. Once again, Metaxas delivers a compelling read.

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